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New Slideshow Widget for Bloggers.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blogger has introduced a new widget for Blogspot Blogs. This is the Slideshow widget to show off your Photos as a slideshow in the sidebar of your blog. Since it is a widget or Page Element it can be added only to a Layout Template.

To add it to your blog login to Blogger.com and click on Layout link on Dashboard. On the Layout page click the 'Add Page Element' link and choose Slideshow Page element in the popup window. Then choose your options to add from Picasa Web albums, Flickr, Photobucket or any side supporting Media RSS.

For Flickr Username add the word which appears after the word 'Photos' in your Flickr page address :


You will see your photos appearing below. If not check your connection.


After you place the slideshow element it will occupy the central position in the sidebar. If you want to put it to the right put this code in the CSS part of the template just above the ]]></b:skin> tag.:

#Slideshow2_slideshow {
float:right !important;
Look at the unexpanded widget template to get your slideshow ID number from the widget code which will look like this :

<div class='widget Slideshow' id='Slideshow2'>
Put the slideshow ID number in the CSS code above. To float it left use float:left.


To change the size of the slideshow login at Blogger.com and click on Layout link on Dashboard. Then click Edit Html subtab of Template tab. Put a check in Expand widgets template checkbox at the top of the Template code box. Scroll down to this line in the slideshow widget code :

<div class='slideshow-container' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_slideshow"'>


<div class='slideshow-container' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_slideshow"' style='width:350px; height:260px;'>

Change '350' and '260' to the dimensions you want. Make sure that they are less than the width of your sidebar column or your template may get distorted. Preview and save template.


Tips: from blogdoctor

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